The cute stuff..
I love little cute things! Those cute little things that happen when you least expect them. What Sam probably doesn't realize is that he does these cute things all of the time and I think it's the best thing ever. We started reading the five love languages and it's great. The funny thing about it is that I feel like Sam already speaks my love language, it's wonderful! I know that sometimes one of us or both of us is going to end up saying a couple sentances in another love language, but that's okay right? This is so exciting learning how to really care about the person you're with. Don't get me wrong, most people, including me already know how to care about someone, but I am learning so much about really caring for the other person unselfishly. I think that many times people forget that they need to consider their partner always and that as long as you are truly trying to help them it will ultimately help you, because they are happy. My hope throughout life ...