Hate Will Never be Justified

I have had many thoughts over the past few days, and I'm sure most of you have as well. Whether or not people care what I have to say, I've decided to put it out there. When I was in 6th grade, my teacher would put daily quotes on the board for us to put in our journals...one of them I remember well that has been at the front of my mind lately is "Watch your thoughts; for they become your words. Watch your words; for they become your actions. Watch your actions; for they become habits. What your habits; for they become your character. Watch your character; for it will become your destiny." -Frank Outlaw. I've been thinking so much about our world today and what is happening, we have become a society that is mean. Do we ever have anything nice to say to one another? This is not to say that I haven't seen some amazing people do amazing things, and seen people that are absolutely wonderfully kind; I am just saying look at your social media feed. How much of it is kind? How much of it is hateful? You may be saying, well it's just online it doesn't really matter...well it actually does. When I think about the quote above, I feel like what am I thinking about now, or talking about now that is ultimately affecting my character and my destiny. How often do I say mean things without really thinking about it...how often do I see others on the internet say hateful things to one another. The answer is every single day. I am here to tell you, that no matter what someone else has said or done..your hateful comments will NEVER be justified. Do not lower your standard to the level of hatred. When thinking about tragic events, such as what Las Vegas has experienced this week, I have to ask myself if this all just started with a small thought that lead to some unkind words that lead to unthinkable actions. I have been thinking about how just one person like myself could prevent something like this from ever happening again....this is what I have discovered. If every single person refrained from posting that mean comment, or saying that awful thing to someone else, maybe our actions would improve, and therefore our character and our destiny.  How can we influence others to be kind? I would like to challenge everyone who reads this blog to stop being mean to one another(even though I know that none of you people are mean :)), say something nice to someone everyday. Pray or send good vibes/encourage others to be kind. Instead of hearing that your close friend has totally opposite political beliefs than you and berating them..instead , agree to disagree. Let's make our world a happy place again, instead of a world where we are terrified to leave the comfort of our own homes....thanks for listening/reading. Peace out!


  1. I love that quote! I completely agree! Social Media can be a place where people hide and say or act a certain way. If we just be who God made us to be and say what God wants us to say I think we can change the world one post (word) at a time!


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